
Don’t look at expressions on faces. Don’t listen to what is said with tongues. Don’t let tears sway you. They are all but products of human skin. It changes everyday. Look instead for what is under the skin. Not the heart either, as it also fluctuates, nor the mind, as it changes its point of … Read more

The Constant Challenge

The ongoing aggression, which nature takes as its law on Earth, is intended by God to be constant challenge for His creatures. That is to get each creature to make the best use of his means; be creative, innovative, take out the best stored energies he has, and always reach the most perfect position he … Read more

Government in Islam

The government in Islam is not only concerned with raising the standard of living, providing goods, services and facilities for achieving a decent life; but also with helping people elevate their souls as well as their bodies. It secures promising future in this world and winning the Hereafter. This can never be found except in … Read more

Islam’s Main Mission

Islam does not deny human weakness. However, it rather recognizes the latent power in human beings. Islam understands that its mission is enabling the power of human beings to overcome their weaknesses, and it tries to raise, develop and promote humanity; not to justify or decorate its weakness.  Sayyed Qutb Translated by: Amany Elmorshiy Edited … Read more