The philosophy of hijab (Islamic veil) is mainly based on covering the physical and material sides of woman’s body in favour of revealing human and moral sides of her personality.
The philosophy of hijab (Islamic veil) is mainly based on covering the physical and material sides of woman’s body in favour of revealing human and moral sides of her personality.
The core of her hijab is to disclose and highlight her mind so that the Muslim woman can express herself in society as a human facing a human, not as a female facing a male!
Thus she sends a message to man saying: I address your thought and your mind without touching your passion or inciting your lust. By doing this, she raises the value of the man and takes his hand out of clutches of lust to the space of thought, and to be his partner in earth development and in serving The Almighty Allah
Dr. Khalid Abu Shadi
Translated by: Amany el-Morshidy