Touch the Good Side


When we touch the good side in people, we discover that there is much goodness that our eyes may not be able to see at first glance!!
I have tried this myself with many, even with those who appear at first as wicked or having little compassion.
If you show some sympathy to their faults and foolishness; some true cordiality to them and some genuine care- not artificial- to their interests and their concerns, then the spring of goodness in their souls will be revealed to you. That is when they give you their love, cordiality and trust in return for the little things you provide them from your own self whenever you give them in loyalty, sincerity and purity.

Evil is not deeply rooted in the human soul to the extent we may sometimes imagine. It is only in that hard outer shells by which humans face the struggle of life to survive. Whenever they feel safe, this hard shell reveals sweet and pleasant fruit. It only uncovers to those who can make people feel they have peaceful intentions, and can give them true cordiality and real sympathy in their struggle, pains, errors and foolishness as well. Showing some generosity at the very beginning can achieve all this sooner than many would expect. I have tried all of this, tried it myself. I do not raise it as just some winged words resulting from dreams and illusion.

Sayyed Qutb

Translated by: Amany el-Morshidy


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