Charity precedes you
A sentence written on a wall of a tomb: “You cannot take your money with you, but you can make it precede you.” A wounderful description of charity … Read more
A sentence written on a wall of a tomb: “You cannot take your money with you, but you can make it precede you.” A wounderful description of charity … Read more
The best investment for Muslim parents is to bring up their children on seeking for the truth and sticking to it. When they grow up, they will be role models and lights of guidance wherever they go.
Nothing can improve and develop your character like piety. It makes you truthful, honest, polite, merciful, seeking for knowledge and patient. It gives you love of your people and respect of your enemies.
Allah (swt) creates friends for us from our own blood, and rewards us for keeping in touch with them. Our siblings are the ones who stay when all others leave.
Islam is the light of God sent to Earth. Only transparent hearts can reflect the light.
Justice, mercy, wisdom, righteousness and common good are the basics of Islam. Whatever gets out of justice to injustice is not from Islam. Whatever gets out of mercy to violence is not from Islam. Whatever deviates from common good to harm is not from Islam, and whatever dissents from wisdom to imprudence is not … Read more
Eating flesh of dead bodies is definitely poisonous. That is exactly what happens to those who practice gossip, spying and backbiting. They do not only assassinate dignity and reputation of others, but also poison purity and innocence of their own hearts. The damage they cause to their own selves is bigger than the damage caused … Read more
The beauty of Islam is that it makes just one value of man whether on Earth or in the Hereafter; that is piety. It doesn’t matter how wealthy you are, unless you spend your money for the sake of God. Allah doesn’t care about your powerful position, unless you use it to support justice and … Read more
Why do true Muslims have tranquil hearts? It is the profound conviction in their hearts of Godly justice. Their deep faith gives them power to face pains and sufferings of life with tranquil soul and patient heart. They feel reassured, confident and happy as long as they rely on the Wise and Merciful God. Surely … Read more
The beauty of Islam is that nothing is wasted, nothing is meaningless. Giving some water to a thirsty homeless animal can wipe out all your past sins. Birds and animals eating from plants you grow in your garden is a charity. A compassionate touch on an orphan’s head is appreciated by God. A smile and … Read more